
Wasps. I hate them. They are my worst fear. There once was a wasp nest in my mailbox. Every time I reached in my mailbox, one would fly down and land on my hand. I would quickly swing my arm away before it could sting me.
The next day I went over to get the mail, and was surprised no wasp flew out at me. I grabbed the mail and heard a faint buzzing sound. I opened the folded mail and there it was, sitting there, broken. I almost felt sorry for it but then thought of its plan to try to be sneaky and get in my house. I launched the wasp with the mail and walked in side.

I have never been stung by a wasp and hope I never will be.

One thought on “Wasps

  1. I have been stung, and it really hurt.

    We had to clear a large wasp’s nest in our barn this past September, and I was really pretty chicken about it. Had to run away and leave the job to my son and husband!

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