
Dogs are amazing.

One amazing thing about them is that they are always happy. They can walk into the room when you are doing work and they wouldn’t even care. Dogs just walk up and lick your fingers until you pet them. You can leave them in the cold all day when you leave and when you come back they will jump on you like nothing ever happened.

Another reason why dogs are awesome is that they can do really cool tricks- if you train them- like ” get your leash!”. For example when it is time for him to go to bed I can yell “bed!” And he will go to his bed.

One other reason is that they are company for you 24/7. If your ever home alone they will always be there for you. Once when I was home alone my dog and I started dancing. Then we played soccer. Then football. Then Hide and Seek. The games will never end! Once, we played “who can get to the other side of the backyard first” but, that didn’t end so well for me.

Even though dogs can be hard to train they are totally worth it.

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