My Dog

I got my dog in 2011, her name is Dixie. she is 2 years old and loves to play. Dixie is not trained so she destroys a lot of things and knocks down the boards of our fence. My mom doesn’t like her as much as I do because, Dixie breaks a lot of stuff and my mom has to pay for it. Dixie barks a lot too, even if there is nothing there. If she thinks something is wrong she will bark. My dog doesn’t look like a boxer. she has  more of a smooth face than a normal boxer face. I think you can tell that dogs are my favorite animal.

from morgueFile

5 thoughts on “My Dog

  1. One of my friends had a dog, and before it was trained, it kept running around and knocking into stuff, it kept licking random people, and instead of using a litter box, it sometimes went on the floor!

  2. My dog is still pretty destructive, but she used to be a living hurricane. She would run full speed into everything she could see, and then she would chew on it for a while.that included people’s legs.
    My dad had a dog before I was born that actually chewed through the wall.

  3. I don’t have a dog and I never have had one and I don’t think I ever will have one because my parents don’t want to work a lot and clean up the stinky stuff.

  4. I have two dogs one is a Great Dane named Harry and another is a Golden Doodle named Dash. They’re both very cute. Harry sings to the piano and dash is really hyper. I love both of them.

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