The Cave

“Stay on the path!” My mom yells at us. My brother and I run up the rocky path. My mother is letting us run ahead and see if there is anything cool up the mountain. As we get farther up we look aback at the view. All the houses now tiny, are sitting looking at us as we scale the mountain. As soon as we get out of sight of our mom, we run off the path.

We are hoping there is something cool that was off the path, but there is nothing. As we walk farther we see it. The thing we were waiting for. The one thing off the trail… A cave! I look over at my older brother. “You first.” I say. I watch as my brother walks straight into the cave acting like a brave warrior going into battle. The darkness takes over my brother. I wait a few seconds then call his name. I see a dark figure coming at me from the cave. I take a few steps back. My brother emerges with a smile. “Come on in!”

There’s only blackness. Nothing can be seen. My brother turns on his flashlight from his phone. Right as it turns on I remember every horror movie I watched. Every single one has someone in a dark area with a flashlight. I take a quick glance around for any demons. The cave starts to get lower until we are crawling on our bellies like penguins. The cave reminds me of the bat catchers on TV. The thought of bats makes me take another glance around.

I look back and see no light from where we had come from. I ask my brother to turn around so we don’t end up going farther. We find a little light and head to it. We eventually find world where we came from. This was one of my favorite things to do outside. It was the first cave I’ve been in. Going out in nature can be so much better than sitting on the couch. I learned that today.

One thought on “The Cave

  1. “As we walk farther we see it. The thing we were waiting for. The thing off the trail… A cave!”

    Great voice in this, Kyle. Love the use of repetition for effect, the ellipsis to build suspense.

    Good storytelling!

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